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RIBA & RIAS Project Management

Services Provided by Muir Walker Pride

Every project will start with a discussion.

We offer a free 45-minute personal online meeting with one of our Architects, during which we will ask you a few questions to determine what exactly is your challenge, what are you trying to achieve and if there are any barriers before you can have a clear path to move your project forward.

It is a fact-finding session for you and us to find out if we are well suited to working together. If we can help you, we will explain how we can help you achieve your goals. We will provide you with some useful take-away points to reduce risk and save time. Please follow this link if you wish to book this consultation.

Following the initial discussion, it will be possible to determine which of the following services you would find useful and start mapping out an action plan, focused on your goals, budget and timescale.

Work Stages 0.0 – 15.0 describe all the Architectural Services available. The Services included may not always proceed in the order or sequence shown, it may also be necessary to overlap certain stages. Each Service will be authorised by the Client before proceeding. Services listed below will only be undertaken by prior agreement in writing. The appointment, service or fees of any other consultant, supplier, contractor or subcontractor shall be separate to this appointment.

Work Stage 0.0 - Strategic Definition0.1 Consider Client’s Business Case and Strategic Brief
0.2 Develop the Initial Project Brief
0.3 Review a number of sites or alternative project options
0.4 Define the scope for a project to enable preparation and briefing process to begin

Work Stage 0.0 - Strategic Definition

Work Stage 1.0 – Preparation and the Project Brief1.1 Ascertain Client Requirements
1.2 Obtain Site information from Client
1.3 Advise Client on his/her duties under CDM regulations
1.4 Visit Site and carry out preliminary appraisal
1.5 Identify Project and Construction Budgets
1.6 Develop outline brief
1.7 Agree Preliminary timetable

Work Stage 1.0 – Preparation and the Project Brief

Work Stage 2.0 – Concept Design2.1 Prepare initial Concept design proposal
2.2 In response to the emerging design, review the indicative cost information
2.3 Consider Project Strategies, such as Sustainability
2.4 Consider engaging other consultants for Pre-planning discussion purposes

Work Stage 2.0 – Concept Design

Work Stage 3.0 – Developed Design3.1 Progress Stage 2.1 design
3.2 Consult with Local Authorities and Utilities as required
3.3 Prepare documentation to enable submission for Planning Permission
3.4 Consider engaging structural engineer to develop design
3.5 Advise on procurement methods
3.6 Report on timetable, agree revisions
3.7 Co-ordinate with other consultants as necessary
3.8 Develop project strategies such as sustainability

Work Stage 3.0 – Developed Design

Work Stage 4A – Technical Design4A.1 Progress and refine Stage 3.1 design
4A.2 Co-ordinate design with other project consultants’ developed input
4A.3 Report on timetable, agree revisions
4A.4 Specialist consultants’ design is developed and incorporated if applicable
4A.5 Prepare documentation to enable Application for Building Warrant

Work Stage 4A – Technical Design

Work Stage 4B – Construction Documentation4B.1 Advise on and agree form of Building Contract, including Contract
4B.2 Prepare drawings, schedules and specifications for tender
4B.3 Co-ordinate information from other consultants, specialist designers
and contractors
4B.4 Prepare Description of Work

Work Stage 4B – Construction Documentation

Work Stage 4C – Tender Administration4C.1 Compile list of Contractors, if applicable
4C.2 Assemble tender documentation including Bills of Quantity or Schedules
of Rates etc. prepared by other consultants
4C.3 Issue tenders to contractors for pricing
4C.4 Take delivery of, and report on tenders
4C.5 Advise on appointment of contractor
4C.6 Agree frequency and scope of site inspections

Work Stage 4C – Tender Administration

Work Stage 5.0 –Construction5.1 Administer the Contract during the Construction Programme
5.2 Attend Progress Meetings on site
5.3 Inspect the works on site in relation to the design, review progress and produce quality reports in terms of the building contract as per specific Schedule of Services
5.4 Issue instructions to the contractor for variations to the contract when approved by the Client
5.5 Advise client of when works are practically complete for handover
5.6 The output of this stage is the ‘As-constructed’ Information

Work Stage 5.0 –Construction

Work Stage 6.0 – Post Completion Work 6.1 Advise Contractor of any defects
6.2 Administer the contract to final account

Work Stage 6.0 – Post Completion Work

Work Stage 7.0 - In Use7.1 Post Occupancy Evaluation
7.2 Develop Strategy defining the future stages or project

Work Stage 7.0 - In Use

8.0 – Surveys and Inspections8.1 Sites and Building Inspections prior to purchase
8.2 Measured Level Surveys and preparation of record drawings
8.3 Dilapidation Surveys and Reports
8.4 Environmental, Structural and Condition Surveys
8.5 Surveys for Purchasers, Tenant and Owners
8.6 Legal record drawings
8.7 Special site visits, additional to 5.3

8.0 – Surveys and Inspections

9.0 – 3rd Party Certification and Warranties9.1 Providing Collateral Warranties for purchasers, tenants and owners
9.2 Issue of Inspection Certificates

9.0 – 3rd Party Certification and Warranties

10.0 – Specialist Work10.1 Model Making
10.2 Artist Impressions
10.3 Computer Graphics and Animations
10.4 Interior Design
10.5 Landscape Design
10.6 CDM Coordinator
10.7 Engineering Design
10.8 Feasibility Study

10.0 – Specialist Work

11.0 – Project Management11.1 Project Management
11.2 Construction Management

11.0 – Project Management

12.0 – Cost Advice12.1 Prepare Cost Plans
12.2 Prepare Schedules and Bills of Quantities for tendering purposes
12.3 Pricing Variations
12.4 Negotiating Contracts with Contractors
12.5 Preparing Valuations of Works
12.6 Reporting on Contractor Claims

12.0 – Cost Advice

13.0- Principal Designer13.1 Perform the duties of the Principal Designer as set out in the CDM Regulations.
13.2 Where the Client is a domestic client under the CDM Regulations and where agreed in writing, carry out the Client’s duties referred to in regulation 7(1)

13.0- Principal Designer

14.0 – Special Reports and Negotiations14.1 Neighbour negotiations
14.2 Planning application negotiations
14.3 Planning Appeals
14.4 Building Control negotiations

14.0 – Special Reports and Negotiations

15.0 – Other Services to be agreed and detailed in writing

15.0 – Other Services to be agreed and detailed in writing

Scottish Conditions of Appointment of an Architect ©RIAS

Muir Walker Pride offer architectural & design services through RIBA & RIAS work stages. Work Stages 1.0 – 16.0 describe all the services available. e Services included may not always proceed in the order or sequence shown.
Each should be authorised by the Client before proceeding.

Services additional to those listed below should only be undertaken by prior agreement in writing. e appointment, service or fees of any other consultant, supplier, contractor or subcontractor shall be separate to this appointment.

Architect shall be the Lead Consultant unless otherwise agreed in writing. Architect may sub-contact such parts of the Architect’s work as the Architect deems necessary subject to condition 1.4.2. Services not required must be struck out.