Energy efficient, timber frame buildingArtists workspace and additional accommodation
The artist studio and apartment were built at the end of a garden to provide a workspace and additional accommodation separate from the existing house.
The artist studio is located on the ground floor of the building with a large North facing window with the upper floor apartment enhanced by a large picture window. The building incorporates state of the art technology photovoltaic panels for water and space heating with high levels of thermal insulation for energy efficiency.
The timber frame building has been clad in coursed sandstone and rosemary tiles to reflect its contextual setting. These traditional materials have been used creatively to look modern whilst fitting into a sensitive conservation area.
To encourage biodiversity, Muir Walker Pride incorporated “bee bricks” for solitary bees and designed special nesting spaces for swifts, wrens, robins and blue tits within the wall structure, following RSPB’s advice on dimensions.