Architecture FAQ
Information & Frequently Asked QuestionsHow Long Does a Project Take From Start To Completion On Site?
The length of time spent on a project depends on its size, brief and location. The guidelines below are an estimate of a perfect project that has no unplanned circumstances. To give you a broad but...
How Much Do Architects Charge for a Project?
The architectural project is a complex process. The architect designed building is most likely to be an individual one, tailored for your needs (see project brief), budget and building plot’s...
New CDM Regulations: Principal Designer
Principal Designer The changes to the CDM regulations in 2015 removed domestic Client exemption and did away with the CDM Co-ordinator role. Clients are now more accountable for the impact of their...
Why Use an Architect
What to look for in an architect When you employ an Architect, you are paying for their knowledge, skill and experience – not just a set of drawings. Choosing a Chartered Architect will give you...
Building Warrant & Regulations
Building Warrant & Regulations In addition to planning permission, you will also need to apply for a building warrant before you can start building work on your project. While planning...
Project Communication is King
Project Communication is King Every successful project is run by a team that communicates well. A project team is usually a diverse group of people, where often the architect coordinates the team...
How To Begin a Building Project
Starting an Architecture Project How to Begin a Building Project At the start of a project, you will want to know if it is possible for your project to be successful. Will it receive planning...
The Insulation First Approach
Importance of Insulation As Architects, we recognise the need for greater emphasis on sustainability as a part of housing design. The insulation of conventional housing is generally of a low...